These farm fueling tips can help farmers minimize health and safety risks while maximizing efficiency.
Agriculture is the largest commercial industry in both Maryland and Virginia, contributing significantly to each state’s economy. From small family farmers and artisan producers to agribusiness magnates, farmers of all kinds rely upon fuel to produce their crops. Agriculture can be a dangerous industry; heavy machinery, physical labor, rugged terrain, and unruly livestock can present significant health and safety issues. Farmers and those they employ must follow all safety best practices to limit the risk of accidents, including those related to farm fueling. These farm fueling tips can help farmers minimize health and safety risks while maximizing efficiency.
Proper Fuel Storage Is Vital for Safe Farm Fueling
When it comes to safe farm fueling practices, storing gasoline, diesel, and kerosene safely is paramount. Farmers with smaller properties may be accustomed to keeping fuel wherever it’s convenient. However, this isn’t always safe. Fuel should be stored in an appropriate fuel storage tank, away from any buildings. The space around each tank should be clear of weeds or flammable debris. Ideally, tanks should be placed in the shade to keep them cool and minimize fuel loss through evaporation.
Follow Safe Refueling Practices
Farmers and their employees must take great care to follow safe refueling practices at all times. Farmers should ensure that the engines to their tractors, harvesters, and other machines are turned off before fueling. Also, they should dispense fuel slowly to avoid overfilling. While these best practices are designed for safety, they can also boost efficiency by reducing the risk of damaged property, injuries, and fuel waste.
Maintain Equipment and Tires
Equipment maintenance is another vital concern for farmers; when machinery is kept in good condition, it is safer and more efficient to use. Well-maintained engines and tires are particularly crucial for fuel efficiency, and addressing leaks, brake issues, and other concerns can boost safety.
Use the Right Kind of Fuel
Last but not least, farm fueling should always involve the right kind of fuel for the job. Off-road diesel, ultra-low-sulfur diesel, and other types of fuel each have their uses. Using the recommended blend of fuel for each piece of equipment helps extend the machine’s life, make it safe to use, and minimize fuel and maintenance expenses.
Partner with Howard Energy Inc. For Fuel Supply and Services
At Howard Energy, we fully understand how your business depends on a reliable and steady supply of gasoline and diesel fuel to keep your operations at its peak. As a family-owned, commercial full-service gas and diesel fuel supplier, Howard Energy has been serving companies across Maryland, Washington DC, and Northern VA for over 25 years.
Our team of experts has a thorough knowledge of the petroleum industry to devise commercial and retail fueling solutions. As a result, we use our keen insight to build strong partnerships with commercial trucking, construction, manufacturing companies, and more. Howard Energy is proud to bring our products and services to gas stations, car dealerships, marinas, and beyond.
If you need cost-effective and convenient wholesale fuel and related fuel tank storage or monitoring services, contact us to get started. Call us at 410-647-1500, and visit our website. Stay connected with Howard Energy on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.