Howard Energy uses fuel management systems and tank monitoring technology to ensure that our clients can make the most of their petroleum products.
Like any other form of waste, missing or stolen fuel is bad for businesses. Maintaining equipment is challenging enough without worrying about fuel management, but fleet managers and business owners must consider their team’s fuel usage to maximize profits. Fortunately, modern fuel management systems make things a bit easier. More and more companies are turning to fuel management and tank monitoring systems to keep their gas, diesel, and heating oil under close watch from purchase to pump. Howard Energy has implemented countless fuel management and monitoring systems to help our clients deter fuel theft and account for every drop of fuel used. Here are some ways that Howard Energy uses fuel management systems and tank monitoring technology to ensure that our clients can make the most of their petroleum products.
Tracking Fuel In-Transit
Howard Energy delivers a wide range of petroleum to our clients throughout Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Our convenient delivery services make onsite fueling easy, and our tracking systems help clients keep track of their fuel as soon as we receive their orders. Whether our clients call us to place an order, or their wireless tank monitor automatically requests a delivery, each order’s information is securely transferred to our delivery vehicles’ onboard systems. Our end-to-end fuel tracking ensures that there are no surprises when our clients receive their fuel. We also provide a complete report of the delivery, including information on how the order was placed and who, if anyone, might have accessed the fuel.
Keeping Tabs in the Tank: Tank Monitoring Systems are a Crucial Component
When clients purchase or lease a fuel storage tank from Howard Energy, they receive a high-quality tank that can reliably store and monitor the fuel contained within it. Our monitoring devices are solar-powered and wireless, so they can continuously track a container’s volume regardless of power outages and harsh weather. These tank monitoring systems eliminate the need for manual “stick” readings, limiting safety risks, labor costs, and opportunities for fuel theft.
Integrating Fuel Management Systems into Pumps
Howard Energy’s fuel management systems are an advanced method of theft deterrence, requiring multiple verifiable PINs before pumps will activate. Our systems require an authorized operator to input a personal PIN, a vehicle PIN, and the vehicle’s odometer reading before they can commence fueling. This allows companies to deter both outside and inside threats; the culprits of fuel theft are sometimes employees themselves, but a high degree of accountability can make theft more challenging.
Partner with Howard Energy Inc. For Fuel Supply and Services
At Howard Energy, we fully understand how your business depends on a reliable and steady supply of gasoline and diesel fuel to keep your operations at its peak. As a family-owned, commercial full-service gas and diesel fuel supplier, Howard Energy has been serving companies across Maryland, Washington DC, and Northern VA for over 25 years.
Our team of experts has a thorough knowledge of the petroleum industry to devise commercial and retail fueling solutions. As a result, we use our keen insight to build strong partnerships with commercial trucking, construction, manufacturing companies, and more. Howard Energy is proud to bring our products and services to gas stations, car dealerships, marinas, and beyond.
If you need cost-effective and convenient wholesale fuel and related fuel tank storage or monitoring services, contact us to get started. Call us at 410-647-1500, and visit our website. Stay connected with Howard Energy on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.